$380/ 1 session
BTL Exilis Ultra 360 Eye Treatment
高达连续 16 年销售 No.1
预约名额尚余4 个
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Gets Rid Of Your Eye Bags,
Dark Circles & Wrinkles
The unspoken age our eyes tell. BTL Exilis Ultra 360 Eye Treatment uses world-leading ultrasound and unipolar radiofrequency to get rid of eye bags, dark circles and wrinkles, promote lymphatic drainage and increase blood circulation.
3 Main Benefits
BTL Exilis Ultra Eye 360 Treatment |
Exilis Elite | Exilis Pro | |
Origins | England | England | England |
Dynamic Monopolar Radio-frequency |
120W (XP) 170W (Large) |
120W (XP) 170W (Large) |
160W (XP) 90W (Large) |
Technology Upgrade | The fastest radiofrequency and ultrasound technology to tighten your skin and address various eye problems including eye bags, dark circles and wrinkles | Old Technology | Old Technology |
FDA Approval | Yes Combined radiofrequency and ultrasound technology |
Yes Radiofrequency only |
Yes Radiofrequency only |
3 Guarantees
Comprehensive Immediate Effects
2.Safe & Reliable
100% Painless & Non-Invasive
Professional Skin Analysis & Personalised Treatment Plans