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ULTHERAPY™ HIFU is the first and only non-invasive lifting treatment in the face and neck certified by the FDA and CE. The number of successful treatments has already reached 1,750,000 cases with a significant lifting effect. It only takes about 60-90 minutes for a treatment with effect up to two-years long. The Ultherapy® Lift treatment uses high- intensity focused ultrasound to tighten the SMAS layer without making incisions, providing a similar tightening and lifting effect to traditional facelift surgery, with no skin tone restrictions. Due to the non-invasive nature, it will not affect daily activities.
The high-intensity focused ultrasound of Ultherapy®️'s HIFU Facial Lifting brings dual effects to the skin. The immediate contraction of skin collagen and SMAS, and the skin tightening effect can be seen immediately after the treatment; the collagen is reorganized over time after the heat is applied to the tissue, resulting in a firmer and more radiant skin. DR REBORN has been the No.1 seller of ULTHERAPY®️ for 6 consecutive years in the Asia-Pacific area (including Hong Kong). We are offering a time -limited discount for trial treatment: $1,888/ 100 lifts
高达连续 16 年销售 No.1
预约名额尚余3 个
1. 优惠只适用于EC Healthcare旗下品牌年满18岁或以上之新客户及指定星级旗舰店。
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3. 以上优惠只适用于1人享用及只限享用1次,亦不可与其他优惠或折扣同时使用,并不可兑换现金、其他疗程及产品。
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7. 如有任何争议,医思健康(EC Healthcare)将保留最终决定权。
Celebrity mom - Zoey Sham Kit-Yi firsthand experience of Ultherapy®️'s HIFU
Hot chef - Candace Mama pursuing a younger facial contour
Woman in her thirties - Yan reactivated the regeneration of young collagen mechanism
2,000,000+successful treatments |
4,667Ultherapy® system sold worldwide |
150+patented technology (accredited, published, or announced) |
50+Clinical researches |
40+published clinical research journals |
The only treatmentthat has received the FDA accreditation for non-invasive lifting treatment in the face and neck |
Ulthera probe
Ulthera probe has two different modes with the depths of 4.5mm and 3.0mm when it comes to the depth of treatment and the wavelength of the energy. The modes allow a more precise treatment for different depths of the skin and a proper mode can be used for the treatment. Focused ultrasound produces a temperature of 65°C, which is the most effective way to stimulate collagen reorganization and regeneration.
One Treatment
has five functions
Wrinkles Smoothing Collagen
Fat Eliminating
Face Chiselling
Improve Droopy Eyes
& Eyelids
Facial Lifting
One Treatment Last Up To Two Years
The Ulthera treatment generates around 8,000 - 10,000 separated congealing points in the two depths and evokes tissues contraction and collagen regenerating process.
Immediate effects | In the first month | Three months after the treatment |
Ultherapy®️ HIFU
Ultrasound Waves Directly Penetrate 4.5mm Under skin to the SMAS
Single Treatment Dual Effects
1) The collagen in the skin and in the depth of 4.5mm SMAS are immediately contracted. The tightening effect can be seen immediately after the treatment
2) 65°C of temperature is produced to continuously stimulate collagen regeneration and restructuring, restoring the radiance of your skin.
Compare to other lifting treatment |
Ultherapy | Face lift | Laser | RF radiation (eg: Thermage FLX) |
Temperature when the energy reached the targeted layer | 60 °C - 70 °C (stimulate collagen regeneration) |
N/A | 100℃ (may cause peeling skin) |
60 °C - 70 °C (stimulate collagen regeneration) |
Damage to skin | No | Yes | Yes | Depends on intensity |
Recovery Period | No | 1-2 months | 2-4 weeks | No |
Duration | 1-2 years | Permanent | 1 week – 3 months | 1-2 years |
Price | Reasonable | Pricy | Reasonable | Pricy |
Recognition | CE, FDA approved (non-invasive) |
Operated by the doctor | Depends on the treatment | CE, FDA approved (non-invasive) |
Depth | 4.5mm | 4.5mm | 1.5mm | 4.3mm |
Hong Kong for 8 consecutive years (2016-2023)
DR REBORN has the No.1 sales volume for Ultherapy in the Asia-Pacific area
Before and After
Before Treatment
120 Days After Treatment
Before Treatment
120 Days After Treatment
Before Treatment
120 Days After Treatment
Before Treatment
120 Days After Treatment
Before Treatment
120 Days After Treatment
Comments from our customers
年纪愈大面上慨胶原流失得愈快,皮肤松弛晒令轮廓都变得唔明显,去做完Ultherapy®之后明显见到全面都紧致提升咗,轮廓即刻立体埋。而且做1次效果就可以维持2年,胶原不断keep住生,连我好烦恼慨法令纹同鱼尾纹都减淡咗,个样起码后生返5年! 知道DR REBORN系6年销量第一都比到好大信心我,做慨时候专业医疗团队好细心专业,效果好满意,之后都会继续黎做Ultherapy®。
曾经做过好多所谓Hifu慨疗程,都无咩效果咁,或者几个星期就开始反弹,但自从做咗美国版Hifu Ultherapy®就一去无回头喇! 呢部机系美国FDA同欧盟CE认可慨颈部及脸部非入侵拉提治疗,我做完1次个零钟慨疗程,就可以维持到最长2年效果,真系好适合我呢啲太忙但又想保养得好慨人!比起成日要好频密咁做啲冇咩效慨facial,Ultherapy®成本效益大好多!