Ultherapy® Hifu 療程

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ULTHERAPY™ HIFU is the first and only non-invasive lifting treatment in the face and neck certified by the FDA and CE. The number of successful treatments has already reached 1,750,000 cases with a significant lifting effect. It only takes about 60-90 minutes for a treatment with effect up to two-years long. The Ultherapy® Lift treatment uses high-intensity focused ultrasound to tighten the SMAS layer without making incisions, providing a similar tightening and lifting effect to traditional facelift surgery, with no skin tone restrictions. Due to the non-invasive nature, it will not affect daily activities.

The high-intensity focused ultrasound of Ultherapy®️’s HIFU Facial Lifting brings dual effects to the skin. The immediate contraction of skin collagen and SMAS, and the skin tightening effect can be seen immediately after the treatment; the collagen is reorganized over time after the heat is applied to the tissue, resulting in a firmer and more radiant skin. DR REBORN has been the No.1 seller of ULTHERAPY®️ for 6 consecutive years in the Asia-Pacific area (including Hong Kong). We are offering a time-limited discount for trial treatment: $1,888/ 100 lifts

高達連續 16 年銷售 No.1

名額有限 立即預約

Trial price $1,888

預約名額尚餘 3 個​

1. 優惠只適用於EC Healthcare旗下品牌年滿18歲或以上之新客戶及指定星級旗艦店。
2. 客戶於享用療程前,必須出示有效有份證明文件以作登記。
3. 以上優惠只適用於1人享用及只限享用1次,亦不可與其他優惠或折扣同時使用,並不可兌換現金、其他療程及產品。
4. 客戶進行療程前,應清楚並同意本集團所安排之療程項目及內容。
5. 客人最終接受之療程將因應產品或儀器等貨源情況、或客人當時身體及皮膚狀況或醫生諮詢後專業方案而作最後決定。
6. 本公司有權撤銷、改變、增添或更改以上各項守則的內容,而無須另行通知。
7. 如有任何爭議,醫思健康(EC Healthcare)將保留最終決定權。

Celebrity mom - Zoey Sham Kit-Yi firsthand experience of Ultherapy®️’s HIFU

Hot chef - Candace Mama pursuing a younger facial contour

Woman in her thirties - Yan reactivated the regeneration of young collagen mechanism



successful treatments


Ultherapy® system sold worldwide


patented technology (accredited, published, or announced)


Clinical researches


published clinical research journals

The only treatment

that has received the FDA accreditation for non-invasive lifting treatment in the face and neck

Ulthera probe

Ulthera probe has two different modes with the depths of 4.5mm and 3.0mm when it comes to the depth of treatment and the wavelength of the energy. The modes allow a more precise treatment for different depths of the skin and a proper mode can be used for the treatment. Focused ultrasound produces a temperature of 65°C, which is the most effective way to stimulate collagen reorganization and regeneration.

One Treatment

has five functions

Ulthera 擊退去紋 膠原重生

Wrinkles Smoothing Collagen

Ulthera 消脂緊實 緊腮提頰

Fat Eliminating
Face Chiselling

Ulthera 改善下垂 提升眼眉

Improve Droopy Eyes
& Eyelids

緊緻拉提 收緊輪廓

Facial Lifting

一次療程 凍齡兩年

One Treatment Last Up To Two Years

Ultherapy 效果

The Ulthera treatment generates around 8,000 - 10,000 separated congealing points in the two depths and evokes tissues contraction and collagen regenerating process.

Immediate effects In the first month Three months after the treatment
  • Instant lifting and better skin texture
  • A gradual facial lift and improvements in skin texture
  • Significant effects in tightening and improvements in skin texture
  • Tightened skin
  • Tightened skin
  • Chiselled facial features
  • Smoother skin
  • Tighten the skin around the eyes
  • Ultherapy®️ HIFU
    Ultrasound Waves Directly Penetrate 4.5mm Under skin to the SMAS

    Single Treatment Dual Effects

    1) The collagen in the skin and in the depth of 4.5mm SMAS are immediately contracted. The tightening effect can be seen immediately after the treatment

    2) 65°C of temperature is produced to continuously stimulate collagen regeneration and restructuring, restoring the radiance of your skin.

    Compare to other lifting treatment

    Ultherapy Face lift Laser RF radiation
    (e.g: Thermage FLX)
    Temperature when the energy reached the targeted layer 60 °C - 70 °C
    (stimulate collagen regeneration)
    N/A 100℃
    (may cause peeling skin)
    60 °C - 70 °C
    (stimulate collagen regeneration)
    Damage to skin No Yes Yes Depends on intensity
    Recovery Period No 1-2 months 2-4 weeks No
    Duration 1-2 years Permanent 1 week – 3 months 1-2 years
    Price Reasonable Pricy Reasonable Pricy
    Recognition CE, FDA approved
    Operated by the doctor Depends on the treatment CE, FDA approved
    Depth 4.5mm 4.5mm 1.5mm 4.3mm

    Hong Kong for 8 consecutive years (2016-2023)

    DR REBORN has the No.1 sales volume for Ultherapy in the Asia-Pacific area

    榮獲 Ultherapy 亞太區及香港銷量第一

    Before and After

    Facial contouring

    Before Treatment

    120 Days After Treatment

    Facial contouring

    Before Treatment

    120 Days After Treatment

    Skin tightening (smile lines & saggy chin)

    Before Treatment

    120 Days After Treatment

    Eyelids tightening

    Before Treatment

    120 Days After Treatment

    Crow’s feet smoothing

    Before Treatment

    120 Days After Treatment


    Comments from our customers

    高達連續 16 年銷售 No.1

    名額有限 立即預約

    Trial price $1,888

    預約名額尚餘 3 個​

    1. 優惠只適用於EC Healthcare旗下品牌年滿18歲或以上之新客戶及指定星級旗艦店。
    2. 客戶於享用療程前,必須出示有效有份證明文件以作登記。
    3. 以上優惠只適用於1人享用及只限享用1次,亦不可與其他優惠或折扣同時使用,並不可兌換現金、其他療程及產品。
    4. 客戶進行療程前,應清楚並同意本集團所安排之療程項目及內容。
    5. 客人最終接受之療程將因應產品或儀器等貨源情況、或客人當時身體及皮膚狀況或醫生諮詢後專業方案而作最後決定。
    6. 本公司有權撤銷、改變、增添或更改以上各項守則的內容,而無須另行通知。
    7. 如有任何爭議,醫思健康(EC Healthcare)將保留最終決定權。
