Ultra V HIFU Face Lifting Treatment

Early registration Ultra V HIFU Face Lifting Treatment

高達連續 16 年銷售 No.1

名額有限 立即預約


預約名額尚餘 4 個​

1. 優惠只適用於EC Healthcare旗下品牌年滿18歲或以上之新客戶及指定星級旗艦店。
2. 客戶於享用療程前,必須出示有效有份證明文件以作登記。
3. 以上優惠只適用於1人享用及只限享用1次,亦不可與其他優惠或折扣同時使用,並不可兌換現金、其他療程及產品。
4. 客戶進行療程前,應清楚並同意本集團所安排之療程項目及內容。
5. 客人最終接受之療程將因應產品或儀器等貨源情況、或客人當時身體及皮膚狀況或醫生諮詢後專業方案而作最後決定。
6. 本公司有權撤銷、改變、增添或更改以上各項守則的內容,而無須另行通知。
7. 如有任何爭議,醫思健康(EC Healthcare)將保留最終決定權。

Advantages of Ultra V® HIFU

Combining HIFU technology & PDO threadlift can give greater lifting results. Patients can achieve a sharper, tighter and more contoured V face look.

reduce fine lines and dull skin
skin lifting
improves, firms and tightens the binding force between the skin tissues
skin tightening
improve jawline, double chin and sagging neck
achieve the effect of botox
immediately visible results
quick treatment time
face and neck in less than 30 minutes
quick treatment time
without damage of skin and can move on as usual
no necessity for numbing cream
cost effective
ideal for early prevention and maintenance

How does the Ultra-V® Lift work?

How does the Ultra-V® Lift work

Ultra V HIFU uses the power of ultrasound to safely lift and tighten skin. The energy used is significantly different from light energy such as IPL, lasers or electrical- such as radiofrequency.

HIFU protects the skin surface but penetrates into a deeper depth of the fat layer where structural weakening of tissues are seen. These layers are responsible for the appearance of sagging and droop on the face and neck.

HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, it is the latest non-surgical, clinically proven technology, for lifting and tightening the face, neck and body

高達連續 16 年銷售 No.1

名額有限 立即預約


預約名額尚餘 4 個​

1. 優惠只適用於EC Healthcare旗下品牌年滿18歲或以上之新客戶及指定星級旗艦店。
2. 客戶於享用療程前,必須出示有效有份證明文件以作登記。
3. 以上優惠只適用於1人享用及只限享用1次,亦不可與其他優惠或折扣同時使用,並不可兌換現金、其他療程及產品。
4. 客戶進行療程前,應清楚並同意本集團所安排之療程項目及內容。
5. 客人最終接受之療程將因應產品或儀器等貨源情況、或客人當時身體及皮膚狀況或醫生諮詢後專業方案而作最後決定。
6. 本公司有權撤銷、改變、增添或更改以上各項守則的內容,而無須另行通知。
7. 如有任何爭議,醫思健康(EC Healthcare)將保留最終決定權。
